Monday, August 15, 2005

Catastrophic Expectations

So I'm reading this article on "How to Say No" - though I don't know why since I've become damned good at it over the last few years - when I come across this hilarious phrase "catastrophic expectations." In the article the term was referring to weighing the negative consequences of something (like, say, lending your favorite records to a friend for a party - records? Lord, when was this written?) But I find the idea of a "catastrophic expectation" so funny in any number of ways, I believe I have just found my new favorite phrase. I can see it being applied to work, home, family, church, the local theatre board on which I serve, well - I'm going to start tossing it out right and left.

In fact, next time somebody asks me to do something, I'll just have to tell them that the situation is just too, too fraught with catastrophic expectations, though if they try me another day, I might be in the mood for a good catastrophe. Never give up!

Oh. Here's another good article "Learn to Say No, Save Time, Get Tasks Finished" if you need help in that area. (But it doesn't say anything about catastrophic expectations. You'll just have to expect those on your own, I guess.)

1 comment:

Isabella K said...

When I was editing a psychiatric journal years ago I came across the term "catastrophizing" — I couldn't find it in any dictionary but was assured it was the correct term. It means exactly what you think it sounds like it means. Googling it now, it seems to have gained in popularity. I wonder if that's a direct result of my throwing it around at every opportunity in the ensuing weeks.

I love the pictures you're using to complement your posts. I did not come of age in the 60s, but I hope you don't mind if I check in on your slumber party from time to time.