Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Riddle me this

Another writing journal find. Several years ago I made a list of questions I'm perpetually asking myself, and I discovered the list a few days ago while browsing an old writing journal. Here are some of the questions that kept surfacing in 2002:
  • How many people have I (truly) made happy?
  • How do I really take control, as opposed to acting like I have control?
  • Is it ever safe to tell someone how you feel?
  • Will I ever get the junk out of the closets and the attic?
  • What does it take to get inspired?
  • Will anybody ever hold my hand again?
  • What time of the day am I most productive?
  • Is anyone glad to see me?
  • Will breathing ever get any easier?
  • Can I just walk away?
  • What will Christmas be like this year?
  • What's the funniest thing I've seen lately?
  • How do I simplify, simplify, simplify?
  • Why do I have to keep asking the same questions over and over?

Well, you get the picture (the journal list is three pages long). All of the questions still flit through my mind occasionally, and I know that they reveal more about me than the answers ever could. Well, anyway, most of the answers change according to the situation or season. Still, it helps to read them over now and then.

Morning quote, from The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje:

The word should be "thinkering." Caravaggio's mind slips into this consideration, another syllable to suggest collecting a thought as one tinkers with a half-completed bicycle.

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