Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's official: I'm a card-carrying New Yorker

Forget a Macy's card or Sak's, Lord & Taylor, or Tiffany's, for that matter. Anybody anywhere can be card-carrying members of those shopping emporia. No, what separates the Big Apple-Eaters from the New Kids in Town is a Duane Reade card. I'm serious.

Who's Duane Reade, you might ask? Well, as much as I like to imbue the ubiquitous Manhattan drugstore-cum-variety store with the persona of a guy named "Duane," it's actually named after the location of its first store - the corner of Duane and Reade streets in lower Manhattan. (Now you know.)

Duane Reade is everywhere. CVS? Rite Aid? Mom-and-Pop pharmacies? Practically invisible in Manhattan. But ol' Duane is on every street corner - sometimes there are two or three on a block. New Yorkers must have their Duane! I'm serious. I accuse my work-buddy Lisa of having a torrid affair with Duane, as she must see him everyday. Sometimes twice a day. "Give my love to Duane," I shout as she heads for her fix of DR.

It took me a long time to find time to fill out the form and get my official card discount card. Seems like I was always in a hurry, or there were too many folks behind me in the line. But a couple of days ago, well, the time was right, and I gave the big DR my name and email address and received a shiny new card, plus the miniature key-chain version.

So now I'm official. Duane Reade card. Check. Food Emporium card. Check. Voter registration card. Check. I must be serious about this New York City thing!

1 comment:

Liz Hinds said...

You are a real New Yorker now! But have you used it yet?